Monday 26 January 2015


                                         (  Jai ma kali )
    Once upon a time an enlightened oom was the head of a monastery.He had a number of accolytes.The name of an accolyte who was very close to the oom was Bad.Naturally on hearing his name people giggled contemptuously at him, scoffed at him, sneered and jeered at him, ridiculed him, made fun of him and flung filthy pokes at him.He became a butt of butts. Being constantly pestered with taunts, he approached  the oom and blubbered out his woes.
    "Go and roam about in the world and find out the common names being used.Then cull a name for yourself,"the oom advised him.
   So Bad quit the monastery and wandered around to find out names.He came across a scrounger and was flabbergasted to know that his name was Rich !
    Afterwards, he met a guy who was puling outside his villa.
  "Why are you whimpering? , he inquired.
" I have lost heavily in my business.I have become a pauper,"whined the guy.
   "Sir, what's your name?"asked the accolyte.
    The guy told his name was Happy.
  That same day Bad saw a mugger being hanged as per orders of the potentate. His name was Good!
      Bad vamoosed to the monastery.
     "What name have you culled?"asked the oom.
   Bad responded,"Sir, I have changed my mind.Names are meaningless.Bad is good enough for me".
         Don't judge anyone by his name .
*********************************************DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA

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