Saturday 16 March 2013


What is meant by the term habit?A habit is the repetitions of an action or thought several times.Once we perform an action,it leaves an impression on our consciousness.Consequently ,we repeat that action.After several repetitions,that inclination is so strengthened that the action becomes a habit.In some people, just one act is enough to form a habit, because of latent predisposition from past lives.

 Habit, indeed is tenacious.It is very very difficult to give up a habit.most people who make up their minds to quit smoking or to put a ban on swigging alcohol or to stop devouring so many sweets will continue with those actions in spite of themselves.They do not change because their minds ,like blotting paper, have soaked up habit of thought.Habit means that the mind believes it can not get rid of a particular thought.

   Though mind tells that you can not get unentangled from a particular habit,yet you have the capacity to change as the habits are nothing but repetitions of your own thoughts.All that you have got to do,is to resolve firmly to give up the habit and act accordingly.

                          ----- DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA  

Wednesday 6 March 2013

 We are advised and preached by our elders to follow the advice,"Forget &forgive."It means we should forget the wrong perpetrated upon us and forgive the wrong doer.According to this,we should do nothing and sit yammering with unbridled fury.Though it is pretty difficult to do it, yet it is possible to let go of our sense of anger and resentment.If we brood over the situation,it is possible to feel the past is past,that continuing to feel anger and hatred serves no purpose.Instead of changing the situation,they give rise to further disturbance within our minds which is a source of our continued unhappiness.
 We may still remember what happened,but forgetting and forgiving are two entirely different things.Simply remembering what happened is not harmful,but with the development of forgiveness,it's possible to let go of the negative feelings associated with what took place.This is why forgiveness brings us freedom.
 Forgiveness is not about letting off the perpetrator of some evil,it is about freeing the victim.If you can forgive,you no longer have to concern yourself with who did what to you and how you are going make them pay for it.You will be free of that entire burden
                               DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA
