Wednesday, 18 February 2015


                                     ( Jai ma kali)
Once upon a time there lived an oofy oom in a certain city.He had the nasty habit of levitating canards about innocent people.By doing so he would feel giddy pleasure.Gradually it became his passion.
    One day he spread the rumour that his immediate neighbour was a larcener who had committed many heists.Consequently the neighbour was prosecuted and imprisoned.After some days he was released as he was proved innocent. The neighbour sued the oom for besmirching his reputation and causing it to tumble down to an unfathomable depth of infamy.
   The court summoned the oom who pleaded,"Those were only comments and did not harm anyone."The learned judge thought for a moment.Then he ordered the oom to write all the canards that he had spread about the neighbour on a sheet of paper and after tearing it tatters fling them on the way home.Come back tomorrow after collecting all those pieces again.
  The oom was flummoxed.He pleaded,"Your Honour, this is impossible.The wind may scatter them all away."
"Exactly,"countered the judge,"The same thing happened with your vile comments on the neighbour; you spread them all over and now he has lost his reputation.If you cannot speak well for others, there is no need to blurt out anything."
      The oom was utterly ashamed and speechless.

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