Saturday, 21 December 2013

                               A PRODIGAL SON

   A certain guy had two sons.The elder one was simple,sensible and obsequious to his dad.He would cut his coat according to his clothes.But the younger one was reckless,careless and spendthrift.The lure of lucre made him ask his father one day,"Dad, give me the portion of goods that falls to me."He pestered his father daily for the division of the property.The father had to yield to his recalcitrant son's wishes.He divided the property and gave him his share.
    The son,collecting all his lares and penates,jettisoned the home bag and baggage and settled into a far country.There he indulged into a riotous living by burning the candle at both ends.Soon he squandered all his substance.Then he 
 spent his 'Dollar money.' Being penniless,he was unable to make both ends meet.So he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country who sent him into his field to feed swine.
   No one bothered to offer him food.To keep at bay the pangs of hunger,he had to fill his gut with the husks that the swine did eat.After few days rolled by,he came to himself.He repented his mulishness and wailed to himself,"How many hired thralls of my dad have breads slathered with ample butter and here I am feeding on husks.I must return to my father."
    He arose and set out for his native home.When his dad saw him,he rushed and hugged him compassionately. The son wailed,"Dad, I have committed a great sin against heaven and in your sight.I don't deserve to be called thy son."But the father ordered his slew of flunkys,"Fetch the best robe and put it on him and a diamond ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. Bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be merry for my son was dead and is alive again,he was lost and found again."
    And they began to jitterbug in sheer mirth.When the elder son came to know of this,he yammered with unbridled fury and would not enter the house.The father came out and entreated him to come into the house.The son complained,"Dad,I serve thee,never disobeyed your commandments at any time,yet you never gave me a kid to make merry with my chums and pals.But as soon as this son of yours came who has extirpated your family with harlots,you have killed for him the fatted calf."
    To this, the father cooed lovingly,"It was right that we should make merry and be delighted;for this brother of yours was dead,and is alive again and was lost and is found again."
   MORAL OF THE STORY: As a father,we should follow this attitude.
                   ----DEVENDRA  SRIVASTAVA------

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