Sunday, 24 November 2013


                                    JAI  MAA KAALI
                   INFLUENCE OF COMPANY
 Brahmadatta was a great king of Varanasi.He was fond of animals.Apart from keeping many animals,he had also a great elephant in his stable.It was docile,dignified and as gentle as a lamb.It used to be bedecked,caparisoned and taken out in processions.No matter the oodles of people around him at fairs and festivals,no matter the beating of drums and bursting of crackers,the jumbo did not get disturbed and distracted and remained cool,calm and obsequious to his mahout.It was never felt necessary to keep him shackled.
   There was an unused and unlocked stall behind the behemoth's stable.A gang leader of purloiners discovered this and stealthily made this stall his headquarters.It was unimaginable to search for a larcener in the stables of the king himself.The dacoit leader would summon his gang members at this stall almost every night and would discuss all their plans.The gang members would narrate bloody details of their experiences.The leader would advise and instruct them every night not to have faith on anyone and unhesitatingly and ruthlessly assassinate anyone if they smelt a rat.
     Some weeks rolled by.A mahout came to the pachyderm's stable to take him out for getting him bathed and prepared for a procession.Instead of obeying his mahout, the mastodon trmpeted obstreperously and violently. He lifted the mahout in his trunk and dashed him to death on the walls of the stall.Every one was shell-shocked at the savage behaviour of the tusker.When another mahout approached the goliath,he too was going to be treated like the earlier one.But he managed,by the skin of his teeth,to save his life.Saddened at the outrageous behaviour of the elephant,the king Brahmdatta thought that the pachyderm had gone berserk and ordered him to done to death.
    A prudent courtier cajoled the king to grant him sometime to study the causes behind the changed behaviour of the behemoth.He arrayed some people to watch it all the time.The very first night they heard violent discussions taking place within the earshot of the pachyderm.The purloiners were incarcerated.
   The wise courtier then got a galaxy of noble men to occupy the same stall and chat daily of love,peace and harmony.They spoke of the brotherhood of all creation and narrated yarns of kindness and love.
   After few weeks mingled into eternity,a mahout was asked to fetch the jumbo.To the great relief of all and sundry,the mahout found it sweet and gentle as it used to be.The causes of elephant turning savage became as clear as crystal.It had been greatly influenced by the vulgar and violent chats of the dacoits near him.He turned gentle again by surrounding him with love and sweetness.

                                        ------DEVENDRA  SRIVASTAVA

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