Friday, 21 June 2013


                        TRY  TRY  TRY  AGAIN
         HI GUYS AND GALS,
  Are you disappointed,dejected,distressed,depressed,disheartened,discouraged,despaired,dismayed,frustrated and morose as all your sincere efforts to accomplish your desired goal have flopped and floundered?Has your confidence been torn to tatters?if it be so,then you would be well advised not to lose your heart,jettison the feeling of despondency,gird up your loins and make another sincere attempt.Mind you,the success is bound to be yours!In this connection,let us learn a lesson from the life of the king ROBERT BRUCE.
     Robert Bruce was a great king of Scotland.He ventured to free Scotland from the yoke of the English.He fought many battles against the English but each time he was ignominiously wallopped.The eminent king was in imminent danger of being incarcerated and slain.He fled and camouflaged himself in a den inside a dense forest.
   He saw a spider clambering up the wall to reach its cobweb on the ceiling.It moved up inch by inch but flumped down each time.It made nine brave attempts but all in vain.The king thought that the foolish creature would not venture to attempt again.But to his utter astonishment,the spider tried once again to climb the wall,inch by inch, with great care and courage.It went higher and higher and lo and behold! it reached its cobweb.
   The incident instilled the king with confidence and encouragement .He culled the valiant soldiers and organised his army.He mounted a massive attack on the English,fought bravely and made the English lick the dust in the war.Scotland became free.
  The story of Robert Bruce teaches us not to give up hope at any cost.We must try again and again with firm determination and perseverance till we accomplish our desired success.
                                 GOD  BLESS  YOU!!
                                           [DEVENDRA  SRIVASTAVA]
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