Thursday, 8 June 2017

The wise parrot0

   Once a learned pedagogue went to a shop dealing in birds to cop a nice parrot.Selecting a parrot, he asked the shopkeeper," Are you sure this parrot does not scream or yell?"The shopkeeper responded,"Oh no,it is a very religious parrot.Look at those strings on his legs.When you pull the right string,it chants prayers and when you pull the left one,it starts humming melodious songs."
    Quite impressed, the pedagogue blurted out," What happens when you yank both the strings simultaneously?"
   Instead of the shopkeeper, the parrot screamed," I tumble down,you stupid nincompoop!"

Monday, 5 June 2017

In my 10th standard, one of my classmates was a habitual stutterer. Whenever he faltered and fumbled while speaking, we would cachinnate heartily. Some boys would ridicule him, make fun of him and always hectored him. I, too, would play band music in unison with them in hurling mocking innuendoes at him. No one liked to talk with him.Notwithstanding, he tried to befriend me, but I always snubbed him rudely. Yet he carried himself confidently and very well.
   One day I had a kerfuffle with some boys over a game. We indulged into a frightful argument. As I was alone and losing the argument, this boy took up cudgel on my behalf and rescued me with his witty points. I was stunned and speechless and felt utterly ashamed and rueful at my uncouth behaviour towards him !!