Sunday, 24 January 2016


                                                                                                                              (jai ma kali)
                       COURAGE EVANESCED
      Once one of the pachyderms of Sultan had wandered into the village of Mullah Nasruddin and was extirpating the fields. The villagers decided to approach the Sultan and plead with him to take the tusker away.They culled Mullah Nasruddin to lead the delegation.
   When they reached the palace, they were awfully awed to see the splendour of the surrounding. Their courage vanished into thin air and one by one, they stealthily slipped away,leaving Mullah alone to face the Sultan.
 " What brought you here?" trilled the Sultan, who was a tad grumpy that day.
 "Your Excellency,your elephant has entered our village."stuttered Mullah.
  "So what?", flared the Sultan.
All the courage of Mullah evanesced and he was completely unnerved by the situation.Somehow he was able to blurt out," Sir, I have come to tell you that the tusker is feeling terribly lonely.Please send it a companion."

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


                                                  (jai ma kali)
                 WHAT  A  PLEA  !
    Once upon a time there lived a man who was pauper. Unable to make both ends meet due to abject poverty, he borrowed some money from an oofy oom with a  promise to reimburse the amount within the stipulated time. But he failed to do so. When the reminders by the creditor did not fructify, he filed a case in the court.
     Before the judge, the petitioner trilled," This man owes me a large amount of money. I beg Your Excellency to order him to pay me,taut de suite, without brooking any further delay.
   The poor man said," I do owe him money. I will sell my cow if necessary, but it will take time."
     The creditor yowled," He is telling a clumsy fib. He does not have a cow or anything of value. Even he does not have victuals in his house."
   The poor man pleaded," O Judge, when he knows I am so pauper, how does he expect me to refund the money !"
        The learned judge dismissed the petition !!
                                    (DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA)

Sunday, 17 January 2016


                                                 (jai ma kali )
                        NEITHER TOTALLY GOOD
                         NOR TOTALLY BAD.

 Once a young lad seeking admission to university was filling up the required application form. In reply to a request to 'list your personal strength', he very honestly scribbled," Sometimes I am
   Further down the form, he came across a column requiring him to jot down his weaknesses. He doodled truthfully, "Sometimes I am not--
   This is actually more or less the case with most of the ordinary masses !!
*****************************************  MORAL-----
    No one is totally strong nor totally weak
No one is totally good nor totally bad .
               ----(DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA)

Sunday, 10 January 2016


                                                       (jai ma kali)
                    WORTH  EMULATING

   An eagle very well knows when a storm is going to break. To cope with the raging storm, it flutters to some high spot and wait for the winds to hit. When the storm hits, it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it above the storm. While the storm rages below, the eagle is soaring above the storm. The eagle does not escape the storm but it simply uses the storm to lift it higher.It rises on the winds that brings the storm.
     When the storms of life confront us, we, like eagle,ought to rise above them and ride the winds of storm that inflict upon us sickness, tragedy, failure and disappointment. Jot down your greatest challenge and then let it lift you higher !!
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++======= ( DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA )

Saturday, 9 January 2016


                                                     (jai ma kali)
               NO GAIN SANS PAIN
      It was bone-chilling winter. Many unfortunate critters gave up the ghost owing to intense algid. The hedgehogs chewed the cud for a way to be safe. They decided to huddle together to keep warm. This way they covered and protected themselves.
    But the quills of each one wounded its closet companion. After a while, they distanced themselves , one from the other and they began succumbing to algid, alone and frozen. So they had to make a choice-either to bear the quills of their pals or evanesce from the Earth. Wisely they decided to being huddled again. They learnt to live with the minor wounds caused by the close contact each shared with his companion in order to survive.
         Let us learn a lesson from the hedgehogs !!
**************************************************************************************DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA

Friday, 8 January 2016


                                                        (jai ma kali)
                      BEST POSITION
  Once upon a time a priest, a minister and a saint were engrossed in discussing about the best position for prayer while a telephone repairman worked nearby.

   " Kneeling is the best position for offering the prayer,"echoed the priest.
 "Nay,"trilled the minister,"The best way to pray is by standing with hands outstretched to Heaven."
  "You are both wrong,"interjected the saint,"The best way is by lying down on the floor."
  The telephone man butted," The best way for prayer is by hanging upside down from a telephone pole.
      All the three were speechless.