Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: T H E S L Y D O C T O R

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: T H E S L Y D O C T O R:                                               (Jai ma kali)              THE SLY DOCTOR            *******************   Once upon a time...


                                              (Jai ma kali)
             THE SLY DOCTOR
  Once upon a time there lived a doctor.He was crooked and his only aim was to mint money by hook or crook. One day he was passing through a village when he saw a serpent on a tree. Seeing a chap coming his way, a wicked idea bobbed up in his mind.

   He mused," I have a cure for snake bite. So if that chap were to get bitten by that snake, his parents would pay a lot to save his life."He waited for the lad to reach the tree. When the boy reached, he requested him,"Would you please get me some leaves from that tree for medicinal use?"
    The chap clambered a rock and began plucking the leaves when he saw the snake creeping towards him.He seized it by its head instantaneously and slung it away.
   Unfortunately for the doctor, the snake landed on him and bit him several times. As a result, the scalawag doctor fell down dead.
MORAL : It is dangerous to try to mint gelt in dishonest ways !!
.............................................................................................    (DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA)

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: THE DOOFUS BURRO

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: THE DOOFUS BURRO:                                                  (jai ma kali)                THE DOOFUS BURRO             +++++++++++++++++++++    A bu...


                                                 (jai ma kali)
               THE DOOFUS BURRO
   A burro, while wandering heard the melodious chirping of some  grasshoppers.He was so enchanted by their voice that he sighed," I wish I had a voice like theirs!"
   He wondered how they had such a sweet voice." Perhaps it is the victuals they eat." he thought.So he asked the grasshoppers what food they eat.
 The grasshoppers told him that they only eat dew."Dew? What a strange!"exclaimed the burro in astonishment," Anyway I shall eat dew only henceforth."
     A bird perching on a tree heard the resolve of the burrow and warned him that he would not be able to survive only on dew.But the nincompoop burrow scoffed at him and ate only dew.
   It was only after a couple of days that the burro did not have the strength to even stand up. He realised his folly .
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++( DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA)

Monday, 7 September 2015

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: OVER-CONVINCED

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: OVER-CONVINCED:                                                     (jai ma kali)                    OVER-CONVINCED                   *******************...


                                                    (jai ma kali)
           As a young lad,mullah Nasruddin fell, hook, line and sinker, in love with a pulchritudinous mademoiselle. He decided to tie the nuptial knot with her. But his parents were against his proposal because the lassie was an atheist. "But mom,"Pleaded Nasruddin," I love her and cannot live without her."His mom chuntered,"If she loves you, she will do anything you ask.You should preach religion to her.If you are persistence, you can win over her and change her."
     A few weeks rolled by.One morning at breakfast, young Mullah seemed absolutely dejected and crestfallen. "What's the matter?" his mother said," I thought you were making such good progress in your sermons to your girlfriend."
     "That's the trouble"blubbered Nasruddin,"I overdid it. Last night, she told me she was so convinced that she is going to become a nun."
*********************************************** (DEVENDRA SRIVASTAVA)