Saturday, 21 September 2013


                                            JAI MAA KAALI
              BE  THANKFUL
1) Should you find something on your dinner plate that does not appeal to you,don't complain and create a fuss.There are people who don't have anything on their plate!

2) Should you have a bad day at work,think of the man who has been out of job for years!

3) Should your car develop a snag leaving you miles away from assistance,think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk!

4)Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror,think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes he had hair to examine!

5)Should you find yourself stuck in the snarling traffic,don't despair.There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege!


             -------DEVENDRA  SRIVASTAVA


Wednesday, 11 September 2013


                                                      JAI MAA KAALI
   Once there lived two beggars in a big city.One was blindborn and the other was crippled in leg(lame).Both were starving as the physical deformities of their bodies shackled them from moving about the city to seek alms.Both were practically cooped up in their respective huts.They had to pass their days in pathetic beggary and were totally helpless.
   It is said that when the going gets tough,the tough itself gets going.One day both the beggars came across each other by chance.The blind beggar said to the other,"How are you passing your days?I am,as sure as eggs in eggs,going to die of hunger."The lame beggar responded,"I am also sailing in the same boat.I,too,will not survive long."
   Suddenly,by the grace of God,an idea struck the blind one.He suggested to the other beggar,"If we join hands,we can certainly improve our lot.You climb on my shoulders and guide me the way to move about the streets for seeking alms.We will,cock-sure,get sufficient alms to ward off the death due to starvation."The lame jitterbugged with joy at the splendid idea.He perched on his shoulders and guided the way from place to place to beg alms.
   God is very kind.He definitely helps those who help themselves.By HIS GRACE,they got plenty of alms.They were thus able to satiate their hunger.Since then ,they became bosom buddies and were as happy as a lark.
   MORAL OF THE STORY----Co-operation with each other can convert even the toughest knot into the cotton-fluff.
               [DEVENDRA    SRIVASTAVA]

Thursday, 5 September 2013


     It is a fact that no success can actually be accomplished sans diligence.Hard work is the key to success.In this world no one is born happy.Happiness or success is not a gift of the God,it has to be achieved,striven for.The following yarn tells this fact-
   Once there was an industrious peasant.He had three sons.Unfortunately all the three sons were as dronish as a toad and were like a 'couch potato'.The hapless farmer moved heaven and earth together to reform them but all his efforts proved as futile as the efforts of a butterfly to reach the vertex of the sky!He fell seriously ill due to tension and there was no hope for his survival.He summoned his sons to his bedside.Then he told them he was dying and he would leave a treasure to them all.He further said that the treasure trove was camouflaged in the orchard.His sons asked him where it was interred.The peasant replied that he did not know exactly."Excavate all over the orchard."he said,"You will trace it somewhere there."The next day he gave up the ghost.
     The lure of the lucre made the lazy sons excavate the field. Day after day they dug.But they found nothing.They were angry and thought that they uselessly toiled and moiled and their father had lied to them.But next year the through digging produced a big crop.They sold the grains and earned oodles of money.This was the treasure they found by working hard in digging the farm.they realised the lesson that hard work only fetches money and happiness.
    Moral--Success and happiness is achieved by those who shun lethargy and toil and moil ceaselessly!!
                  DEVENDRA  SRIVASTAVA

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: AVARICE

Satyam Shivam Sundaram: AVARICE: A   V   A   R   I   C   E &&&&&&&&&&&&  It is an undisputed fact that an avaricious human...

Sunday, 1 September 2013

                      GOLDEN    RODENT

 Once there resided a wise and kind merchant.One day a young merchant brought him a gift.It was a golden rodent.The old man was astonished and was curious to know why this gift.The young merchant told his story--
   My father died early.My relatives grabbed all the properties and chucked out my mother destitute.Through a great hardship,she brought me up.One day I came to you to seek your help and heard you scolding someone-
 "See that dead rodent.A resourceful and intelligent man can make money out of it even.But you far from making any profit,just squandered all the money."
   I took that dead rodent and bartered it as cat food for a handful of gram. With this and a pitcher of water I sat outside the city and catered to a group of wood cutters.Grateful,each of them gave me two pieces of wood.Part I sold and brought gram flour with the money received and continued serving them.
   In this way I built up a large stack of wood.Rains came.Fuel became scarce in the city.I sold my stock at a fabulous price.With the money I set up a shop.Well,I am now rich enough to pay for this golden rodent which I have brought as a gift for you.
   The old merchant was very impressed and pleased.He got his only daughter married to the young man along with an enormous dowry.