Saturday, 27 April 2013


 "Mere piya gaye Rangoon-----,kajra mohabbat wala------, peeke ghar aaj pyari------", can anyone ever forget these melodious songs?Alas!the singer of these memorable songs left for her heavenly abode and is no more amid us.
     Shamshad Begum possessed a very unique,enchanting,bewitching and infatuating voice,much to the envy of other singers.Her voice was indeed "Tanakedar.It is indeed interesting to know that O.P.NAIYAR summoned Asha Bhosle to sing the duet song "KAJRA MOHABBAT WALA"with Shamshad Begum.When Shamshad started singing,Asha Bhosle became very nervous and butterflies started to jitterbug in her paunch.She felt herself unable to match the voice of Shamshad.Naiyar saheb supported and encouraged Asha very much.Then she mustered up courage to sing the song.
      An awardee of "PADMA BHUSHAN" in the tear 2009,Shamshad has sung about 500 songs.Her appealing voice made everyone spellbound.As per her father's wish,she always avoided getting snapped.
       It is most shocking that such a talented singer has ceased to exist in flesh and blood.To fill the void created by her death is next to impossible.
      I pay my respectful homage to the departed soul    and pray to God to make her soul rest in peace!
                          DEVENDRA  SRIVASTAVA

Thursday, 18 April 2013


     One of the worst enemies on the path of a man to accomplish success is none else than feeling of inferiority complex.No doubt,it shackles a man's feet to excel on his path of attaining his cherished goal.This nasty feeling has,in fact,extirpated the bright carriers of many a promising persons.
     An inferiority complex is like a fungus that absorbs healthy living matter.It sponges away the man's great, dynamic personality.We are held back by terrifying inferiority feelings It is a fact that most of us accomplish only a tiny fraction of what we could,if only we had the proper self-confidence.
    How to get rid of this destructive feeling?First of all,you must feel convinced that you are better than you think.And there is no saying how much you can improve with sustained efforts.The greatest room in the world is the room for self improvement.You possess dormant abilities in which you are far above average.You are able with the abilities you have.You should measure yourself honestly and optimistically,instead of destructively and pessimistically.
     Your feeling that you are inferior is all bosh and nonsense.Like other successful men you are also a owner of the most elaborate machine(Your body) You have a brain comprising 12 billion cells.They would look like stars under the microscope.Your brain is capable several trillion associations of thought.It is also a fact that most of us use about one-tenth of our brain power.We have enough atomic energy in our body.
     Deplorably enough,you still suffer from feelings of inferiority.Your feeling so is the proof that you are a super human being,for fools,nincompoopsand imbeciles can not feel the way you do Your feeling of being inferior may be flagrantly will be influenced by this negative feeling.
    It is,therefore, very essential and important that you must not  allow yourself to be bogged down by inferiority feelings Keep telling yourself that you are much better and abler than you ever dreamed you could be.
   As soon as you accept this as a fact,it will begin to influence your life and your negative feelings will start yeilding to positive feelings.