Sunday, 24 February 2013


The greatest sacrificer in the whole universe is none other than LAKSHMAN.He sacrificed all his comforts and luxuries,all his enjoyments and pleasures in order to to serve his elder brother lord Rama and mother Sita.He guarded them unflinchingly day and night during their banishment.Fourteen years of unsnapped Brahmacharya gave him such a tremendous power that he could wallop Meghnath alias Indrajit who had defeated Indra.Sri Lakshman had a wonderful character!During his 14 years stay with themnot once did he glance at the face of Sita even by mistake.When Sugriva showed the upper garment and ornaments of Ma Sita,Ram cried out in great grief,and asked Lakshman to identify them.Lakshman response to this appeal for confirmation is well known.He said,"I know only some;I have never raised my eyes and looked her in the face.I always saw her feetto which I bowed in reverence.I can't identify the armlet or the earrings---I can see the nupura."
    Has anyone made such a sacrifice since the creation of the universe? I bow my head in reverence to lord Lakshman.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Decline of human values

It is really deplorable and lamentable that in the name of secularism,we have carefully avoided long-cherished values which our ancestors lived for and practised.Gone are the days when people used to be compassionate and full of morality.They nursed no ulterior motives to grind their own axe and were ever ready to extend a helping hand to the needy.But ironically enough, the human values nowadays have tumbled down to an unfathomable depth.
 Every year we are spawning thousands of Doctors,Engineers, Lawyers,Managers,Administrators but not real human beings.Human values such as love,compassion,peace,happiness,truthfulness,honesty,sincerity,contentment,non-violence,patriotism,fearlessness,confidence,courage,self-restraint are replaced by hatred,cruelty,deceit,greed,dishonesty,lust,anger,fear,cowardice,selfishness,violence,self-indulgence,etc.which has created a vacuum in the hearts of people.We have never seen in the history of India such degration of human values.